In accordance with a recent survey conducted by Stack Overflow, JavaScript is typically the most popular language on earth. What’s interesting about these survey results, is that even for developers whose primary responsibility may be the back-end (server-side code) they’re still prone to research questions about JavaScript than some other language. That’s large because JavaScript is inescapable. Ask some of our Java or .NET boot campers and they can tell you that for his or her final projects they’d to get at a simple amount of proficiency with JavaScript. That is also true in the working world. Any teams that not need dedicated front-end developers, want to do it themselves.

With advances in browser technology and JavaScript having moved into the server with NodeJS, JavaScript is capable of a lot more than it absolutely was just a couple of years ago. Here is a quick run-down of what you certainly can do with JavaScript. A number of it’s pretty obvious, other items less so.




Okay, to help you file that one under ‘pretty obvious ‘. Adding interactivity and behavior to otherwise static sites was what JavaScript was invented to complete by Brendan Eich long ago in 1995. It’s still useful for that. This one’s easy. Any remotely modern site is running JavaScript on some level. This one’s a gimme.


As browsers and personal computers have continued to enhance, so, too, gets the ability to generate robust web applications. Just consider applications like Google Maps. If you intend to explore a chart in Google Maps, all you’ve got to complete is click and drag with the mouse. You could visit an area of the map that’s less detailed that then fills itself in. That’s JavaScript at the job behind the scenes.


A highly popular use for JavaScript is to generate presentations as websites. Who needs Powerpoint or Keynote? Utilizing the RevealJS library this becomes very easy if you’re already knowledgeable about HTML and CSS. If you’re unfamiliar with these tools, you are able to still use slides.com, which uses RevealJS to construct a web-based slide deck for you.


With the advent of NodeJS a couple of years ago, JavaScript made its way from the browser and into the server. Since that time, Node has been adopted by many major companies, such as Wal-Mart, as a vital part of the back-end infrastructure.


While we’re on the main topic of server applications. Maybe you have seen Node’s Hello World application? It’s easy to construct a net server in about 10 lines of code. Needless to say, you can cause a lot more robust servers using node or the typical server application framework expressJS.Most of the earlier mentioned applications using Node are in reality built utilizing the MEAN stack (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node), that Express is really a key component.


Whilst the browser hasn’t been a normal games platform previously, recently it is now a robust venue for games. Additionally, with the addition of the HTML5 canvas (more on that in a second), the degree of complexity that’s possible in browser-based games has increased exponentially. You will find even browser games to show you programming!

7. ART

One of many new features in the HTML5 specification is the canvas element, allowing the browser to render three-dimensional shapes. This opened the browser as a fresh medium for digital art projects.


Popular smartwatch maker Pebble has created Pebble.js, a tiny javascript framework that allows a developer to generate software for the Pebble type of watches in JavaScript. But Pebble comprises a comparatively small area of the market share. Imagine if you intend to develop for iOS or Android…


One of the very most powerful things you certainly can do with JavaScript is to build applications for non-web contexts. That is clearly a fancy method of saying you may make apps for items that aren’t the internet. As an example, mobile phones are actually the most widely used way to get into the net. What this signifies is that ALL of one’s websites must be responsive (but that would be another blog post). Additionally, this means that mobile applications are as important as an item as a net property for digital goods. The catch is that mobile apps can be found in two major flavors, Apple and Android. And those apps are written in two different languages. So that means you’ll need 3 x as many developers to construct and support an item for mobile phones as well as the web. Here’s the good thing: It’s possible to really have a ‘write it once’ solution for many three platforms. Phonegap is among the oldest and well-established frameworks in this space. More recently React Native has seriously the scene and shows plenty of promise of becoming the major player in the cross-platform space. Long story short: You possibly can make mobile apps with JavaScript you are able to deploy and download right for their respective app stores. Here’s a set of apps made out of React Native.


Yes, you read that right. Several commercially available quadcopters come outfitted with an easy OS that affords them the ability to set up NodeJS. This implies as you are able to program a flying robot using JavaScript.
As it’s probably pretty clear, Atwood’s Law continues to ring true however not in a negative way. JavaScript remains probably the most accessible programming language on the planet. So it’s great to observe that it’s possible to generate this type of wide selection of projects using it.

Source: Grandcircus

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About author

Thao Nguyen

I am working as a Marketer at S3Corp. I am a fan of photography, technology, and design. I’m also interested in entrepreneurship and writing.